Tax Consulting

Understand how the union of highly qualified professionals with technology can provide previously undiscovered tax opportunities

Tax Consulting

Understand how the union of highly qualified professionals with technology can provide previously undiscovered tax opportunities

Robotização e Inteligência Artificial

Robotization and Artificial Intelligence

With our high technology it is possible to collect important information to outline the best tax strategies, apply tax benefits and even recover possible overpaid taxes.

Rely on two unique analysis methods 

Tax Insights and Tax Deep Discovery methods enable a deep dive into tax data for more strategic planning and tax recovery.

Consultoria Tributária e recuperação de tributos
Tax Insights

Discover powerful tax insights with robot-gathered data.

Tax Deep Discovery

Analysis of opportunities for deep tax recovery.

Right choice when it comes to

is tax consulting

More than just cross-referencing accessory obligations, our robots allow a census analysis of 100% of your company's base, checking possible inconsistencies item by item, invoice by invoice

Automatic write-off

Robotization that downloads information from the IRS database, including e-CAC, to extract, enrich and cross-reference data, generating insights.

Census analysis

100% checking of the base with RPA and Artificial Intelligence analyzing every document item by item.

Artificial Intelligence

Data gathering, assertive analysis, risk classification and opportunity mapping with AI and Human Intelligence.

Ensure the best strategies

Our tax experts help your company find opportunities and strategies never before identified

Tax Consulting Solutions

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