
Audit of purchase and payment processes in real time


Audit of purchase and payment processes in real time

Agile document checking

ícone facilidade digital


RPA that examines purchase documents in real time and checks the authenticity of bills.

ícone acompanhamento

Audit Painel

In one click, you know if the documents are correct and which ones had discrepancies.

ícone fluxo dinânimo

Correct payments

In one click, you know if the documents are correct and which ones had discrepancies.

Have more reliable processes

Identify inconsistencies and ensure more security in the purchasing and invoice payment processes


Efficiency with technology

With Audit Robotization, your company extracts documents quickly and identifies on the fly what needs to be corrected in the documentation before scheduling or making payments.

Learn more now
Eficiência com tecnologia

Are we really going to innovate?

Have more security in your financial management

Allow Robotization to read and point out divergences in the documents to be paid by your company.

Ensure more efficient, secure and reliable processes.

Talk to an expert now.

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